Saturday, July 28, 2007

Souvenir for 24 Fans

These are Badges I created today. I'll keep creating some other stuff about 24. Anyone is free to use them. Keep checking out the blogs and support 24 Resource.

Badge Sample #1

Badge Sample #2

Chloe Animation

Get the 24 Resource Chloe Animation.

Add this code to your blog or profile to see the complete animation. Enjoy!

24 Resource Animation

This is my latest animation

Add this code to your blog or profile to see the complete animation.

Note: Every animation and design above was created By 24 Resource

24 Small gif Animation


Submitted by SiteXpress

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

24 Flashback

24 Flashback: While waiting for day 7 what is left is to watch 24 all over again.

Many people decided to watch 24 from day 1 while waiting for day 7 to come. Experiencing 24 all over again is different. The clock ticks different; Jack is more emotional, having Nina Myers, Mandy, David Palmer, Tony Almeida and Michelle Dessler back is a gift, Chloe O’Brian is expected in later seasons. It’s nostalgic to see all the things that Jack had to go through each season and how he has become the man that he is now; lost in his memories without the love of his life Audrey Raines. Alone, angry, forgotten I wonder what’s next for him? After watching the first season, it’s more appreciated how well written this season was. This heart pounding - breath taking episodes had an excellent start. It keeps you wanting for more as all of you know.

After posting some videos of Tony Almeida days ago I recalled how good of an actor Carlos Bernard is. I was amazed by how big of a character Tony was and how unfortunate he had to die. He was a big element in the series. Irreplaceable some say. 24 producers took a big risk to let him go. I still miss Tony and Michelle.

I must say it’s exciting to watch 24 all over again. Many good memories the first time I watched the first episode. For sure, this coming season will have nothing in common to past seasons. Day 7 is becoming more challenging for the producers. Rewriting for the third time the script and the pressure to meet higher standards they confront something bigger than they could have ever imagined. Lower ratings for day 6 will make of day 7 something spectacular.


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

24 - Jack & Audrey music video

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Carlos Bernard

Tony Almeida : Carlos Bernard

Tony Almeida Tribute 1

Tony Almeida Last time

Tony Almeida Season 6

Carlos and Reiko 24 Inside

Friday, June 29, 2007

First Reaction

Kiefer Fan

This was just so funny. This lady was riding her bicycle when she saw the 24 crew filming the show and I was wow she is so lucky I wish I was her to get Kiefer autograph so she posted some pictures in a site.


Jacks next car

Over a million dollars for a car like this. Crazy! According to the article this is the fastest car ever made so I thought this is perfect for Jack.


Fan big Screen

When I first saw this picture I was like this is insane! It's like in the movie theater at your own home and I thought how much do you think it cost this guy such a screen/projector set?


CTU 1st set

Amp'd Mobile Offices was used for the original CTU set. I wasn't aware of Amp'd Mobile before until I saw this picture. Obviously they provide mobile services.


Kiefer Ads

When I saw this ad from Tokyo I was wow this is amazing I didn't know they used Kiefer for this type of adverting.


What is your reaction?

Friday, June 22, 2007

CTU Headquarters

Counter Terrorist Unit

The Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU) is a fictional elite branch of the United States Central Inteligence Agency (CIA) and similar to the real-life NYPD/FBI Join Terrorism Task Force and the CIA Counterterrorist Center's Special Operations Division. Its headquarters are in Washington, D.C. with satellite operations in major cities where threats are likely. CTU's primary mission is to disrupt and destroy foreign and domestic terror cells hostile to the United States, as well as protect the U.S. from terror attacks. With an office in nearly every major city of the U.S., CTU also has a role in creating security policy and fighting groups of organized crime that fund terrorism. lthough CTU is fictional, a similar department, the National Counterterrorism Center, was set up by the government.

CTU offices are run by a Director, also called the Special Agent in Charge, to whom the Director of Field Operations and the Chief of Staff report. Departments within a CTU office include Communications ("Comm"), Logistics, and Tactical ("Field Ops."). Communications and Logistics personnel report directly to the Chief of Staff, whereas Tactical personnel are deployed into Tactical Teams ("Tac Teams") by the Director of Field Operations.

ctu from 24 the game

The Los Angeles CTU Field Office houses several areas. The first floor contains the Situation Room, as well as the main communications complex and command center, often referred to as "The Floor." On the second floor is the Director's office. Situated elsewhere in the building are the Information Technology department (I.T.), an in-house Medical clinic, Meteorology department, several Holding Rooms used for interrogation and confinement, and Tech Rooms, which contain the bulk of the physical computer hardware used by CTU.

The CTU offices within a region report to a Divisional Office, overseen by the Division Director. Divisional offices cover a larger amount of territory in their jurisdiction. Finally, the Divisional office and all other offices report to a District Headquarters, overseen by a Regional Director. This title implies that each District Headquarters has jurisdiction over an entire region of the United States.



CTU Badges

CTU Monitors Main Window

CTU Monitor wide screen

CTU Logo Black Background

Images from CTU Division & Devian Art

CTU General Offices
CTU Tech Room

Images from Day Zero

Thursday, June 21, 2007

24 The Game

24 The Game and Mobil Games

The game was released February 28, 2006. I played the Demo 24 The Game and it didn't fascinate me as Splinter Cell Series. I still wanted to give a space for trying to make a game about the series. Next some pictures.

Find out more at 24: The Game / 24 The Game from Fox

Online Interview with Mark: The creator of 24 Videos Interview

Interview Date: Agust 14th, 2007

Interview by: 24 Resource

Mark Space:

Find more of Marks Pictures wih 24 Crew at his space link below

24 R: When were the 24 videos shooting dates?
Mark: "The interviews were actualy filmed a couple of years ago,but I've ony just started to put them up onto my 'MySpace' site recently. So they are 'New' to this site."

24 R: You got a picture of Kiefer's interview but there is no video with him on your list. Did you delete it?
Mark: "The Kiefer interview is part of a much larger 'Making Of' documentary wich I hope to put up soon."

24 R: Did you interview Chloe?
Mark: " I did interview Mary Lynn, but unfortunately this has never been edited into a stand alone piece like the others."

24 R: How did it feel to be in CTU? It might have been awesome.
Mark: "CTU was great. I was fortunate enough to film on both sets (original seasons 1-3 & the present set) "

24 R: Have you ever played 24 the game?
Mark: "I have played the game & I absolutely loved it!"

24 R: What did you like the most about filming the 24 videos?
Mark: "The best part about filming the 24 videos was the whole experience of meeting the cast & crew of the show. They really are a fantastic hard working bunch of creative's truly committed to delivering the best show they possibly can. I will be publishing a series of blogs about the whole experience as soon as I can find some time. I will keep you informed."

Thank you Mark and I appreciate you letting me post your Q&A's and videos as well.

Elisha Cuthbert Interview 24 The Game

More Mark 24 Videos

24 Mobil: I haven't downloaded any games to my phone but it seems pretty basic. Almost all providers offer them for around $6 each game.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

24 Common Words (season 5)

General Phrases used in 24
From season 5, disk 6

Jack: "I've got the recording. Karen , listen this recording proves that president Logan was complicit in David Palmer's assassination, it is imperative we do not let it fall into the hands of anyone loyal to the president"

Bill: "We can dispatch a team to meet you at the airfield, they can head off any law enforcement and take you into protective custody"

Karen: "I need you to take a team to pick up Jack"

Curtis: "Where is he?"

Karen: "He is on a plane heading towards the Van Nuys Airport E.T.A is 20 minutes"

Curtis: "Why is he on a plane?"

Karen: "He had commander the plane in order to secure the evidence against President Logan. I'll brief you with the details en route"

Bill: "I appreciate this. I know you are putting everything on the line to help us"

Karen: "All I can say is this recording better be everything Jack claim it is"

Bill: "I know Jack. I don't always agree with his methods, but i trust his judgment"

Karen: "Jack, Air traffic control just received a V.C.I distress signal from your aircraft (airplane used as a weapon). That authorizes President Logan to shoot you down"

Chloe: "What's going on?"

Bill: "An F-18 is been scrambled to shoot Jack's plane"

Karen: "Can you open up a socket with the A.T.C radar tracking plot? We need to know the exact amount of time Jack has before the fighter reaches him"

Chloe: "Ok, I've got the A.T.C radar plot. He's not gonna make it. He's gonna be within missile range in two minutes"

Pilot: "Target may be preparing to land, the objective seem to be the 118 freeway"

Control: "Bravo 1 hold fire, I repeat hold fire"

Jack: "Bill, we made it we are down on the ground"

Bill: "Jack, we redirected Curtis to your location he should be there in a few minutes"

Jack: "Damn Chloe, you were responsible for this recording. What the hell happened?"

Chloe: "I just told you I don't know. If there was something on this memory chip it's been erased"

Karen: "Chloe take the recording down to processing, brake down the memory chip. See if you can restore anything"