Monday, June 4, 2007

24 Common Words (season 3)

General phrases used in 24
From Season 3, Disk 5

Jack: "Patch her file and every piece of information you've got on her through my computer"

Jack: "I managed to retrieve the hard drive that was storing information to get the protocols. Assemble a team that's ready to start striping data off this hard drive."

CTU Director: "I'll put Chloe right away"

CTU Director: "Do it"

Jack: "Excuse me" he goes to get that phone call.

Jack: "This is Jack Bauer"

Operator: "Agent Bauer please hold for the president; Mr president I have Jack Bauer for you"

President Palmer: "I am sorry to put this on you, but I didn't know who else to call"

Chloe: "He gave the order, he outranks you Jack"

Jack: "Chloe I wouldn't ask you to do it like this if it wasn't important OK? So please just do it for me"

Chloe: "I am doing the best I can. Maybe it would help if you told us why this is overriding our other protocols"

Jack: "The only thing you need to know is I need those files decrypted now"

Chloe: "I am doing my best. Your tone of voice is not exactly a morale booster"

Jack: "I've got a visual"

Jack: "In the field I am in command. You do what I tell you to do understand?"

Terrorist: "CTU is trying to use IP locators to get at you through the domain name"

Chase: "All teams hold position we got confirmation. All teams move into first position. This is a go. I repeat this is a go"

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